LS5000 von Bobby

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LS5000 von Bobby

Beitrag von yogi »

Was hast du an dem Scanner umgebaut?
Nikon LS5000
SF 6.62r5 win XPpro SP3 virtuell (!) Oracle VM
AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 64GB RAM win10pro
Eizo CG247, X-Rite i1 Display, Colormunki Photo
Farbkorrektur Photoshop 5.1, iCorrect EditLab Pro Plugin
SF8 AI, HDR8, HDR6 ungenutzt
Beiträge: 1989
Registriert: Sonntag 10. Februar 2013, 19:40
Wohnort: im Kraichgau

Re: LS5000 von Bobby

Beitrag von Jossie »

Bobby hat diese Frage wohl übersehen. Daher von mir der Hinweis auf seinen Bericht.

DigitDia6000 (CyberView, SilverFast Archive Suite 8 & 9) / CanoScan9950F (ScanGear, VueScan Pro), Eizo CS240, xrite i1studio, Win11 (64bit), Intel i9 (3.4GHz), Speicher 64GB, Nvidia Quadro P2000
Beiträge: 225
Registriert: Dienstag 7. Januar 2020, 01:43
Wohnort: Wettingen, Schweiz

Re: LS5000 von Bobby

Beitrag von Bobby »

Hermann-Josef, Danke für die Unterstützung. Ich habe die nächsten 3 Wochen nur rudimentären Internetzugang und nur via Tablet. Danke für die Hilfe.
Nikon Coolscan 5000ED (umgebaut), Silverfast Archive Suite 8 & 9, Win 11, Eizo CS2740, Intel i7-8700K (3.7 GHz), 32 GByte RAM
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Dienstag 5. November 2024, 09:58

Re: LS5000 von Bobby

Beitrag von dstrm »


I'm currently in contact with Eureca about doing the same modification and would love to hear more specifics about how you went about it, Bobby. What exactly did you send them, the entire scanner or just the board? Did you give specific instructions to Eureca or did they decide which processes was appropriate or necessary? I think I'm fine with the risk involved with the actual sensor modification, but the process of taking the scanner apart completely on my own seems a little daunting, not to mention being able to put it back together in a working state.

Best regards,
Beiträge: 225
Registriert: Dienstag 7. Januar 2020, 01:43
Wohnort: Wettingen, Schweiz

Re: LS5000 von Bobby

Beitrag von Bobby »


I am very sorry that my response is awfully late. But for some reason I did not get any notification from ScanDig that there were new questions. I hope that my answer is still useful.

I sent only the CCD board to Eureka, see the attached photos. They are highly professionals and know whatever is necessary to do.

For disassembly (and re-assemby) you find good information on the shtengel Website ( ... 0_5000.htm). On the photo below, you find the CCD board approximately in the center, a bit above the white wheel. For removing the board you need a very fine hex screwdriver. To get access for the screwdriver to the board, you must first remove the power supply (to the right in the picture) first which goes very easy.

Before inserting the updated CCD, be sure to wipe off any dust, otherwise you may get unwanted shadows on your scans. There are special CCD cleaning kits available in the internet (alcohol and lint-free soft pads)

Reassembly goes the opposite way for the exception that you may need some trials to get the CCD board straight in line and on the right place, as the scanner does not provide fixed points to click in. Needs time and patience.

Don't be afraid to do this, once done it seems quite easy. It also helps you to get to know your sacnner.

The 2 other photos are from the scanner board, with the cable still attached (remove before sending it to Eureka, they have no use for it).
P1000406ss.jpg (357.94 KiB) 333 mal betrachtet
P1000284ss.jpg (295.68 KiB) 333 mal betrachtet
P1000283ss.jpg (250.85 KiB) 333 mal betrachtet
Nikon Coolscan 5000ED (umgebaut), Silverfast Archive Suite 8 & 9, Win 11, Eizo CS2740, Intel i7-8700K (3.7 GHz), 32 GByte RAM
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Dienstag 5. November 2024, 09:58

Re: LS5000 von Bobby

Beitrag von dstrm »


Thank you so much for your response, regardless of delay.

I haven't moved forward with the procedure as of yet, but your help is indeed inspiring confidence. I have been enough bothered by the ghosting in the past to where I'm now reluctant to move forward with some digitization projects that contain a lot of slides. I have other scanners, but none that can handle the load of the Coolscan 5000 with a SF-210. If the operation is successful (Eureca claims 80% success rate – I'd prefer it to be 99%!) I'll have little more to ask for in my 35 mm scanning life.

Doing the disassembly and reassembly feels a little scary, but as you point out being familiar with the inner workings of the machine helps in the long run. Nikon won't touch these machines anymore, and cleaning out the mirror needs doing from time to time anyway. Worst case scenario, I can probably enlist some help locally to put the machine back together.

I happen to have two machines, and I'm now mulling over just doing them both at once...